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Susan Helmrich

Susan Helmrich RN, DipAppScNsg, BN, CritCareCert, CoronaryCareCert, TraumaNsgCareCert, CertIV(TAE), MN(Ed), GradCert(Ldrshp & Mgt) has extensive experience as Critical Care Nurse Educator, and Education Manager. Susan is a world class resuscitation educator, having published Adult and Paediatric Advanced Life Support Manuals as well as Resuscitation Instructors Manuals.

Susan has also spent a number of years as the Resuscitation Coordinator at The Wesley Hospital and during her time there was a recipient of the CEO award for Innovation and Excellence. Susie has developed several blended education programs in adult and paediatric ALS for the Uniting Care Health group of hospitals, as well as Clinical mandatory competency training for The Wesley Hospital utilising interactive eLearning and simulation based training.

Susan has previously been the National Education Development Manager for ACCCN and as part of this role, developed a National Curriculum for resuscitation education, represented the ACCCN on the National ARC, was Chair of the ACCCN Resuscitation Advisory Panel, and Member of the ACCCN Education Advisory Panel.

Susan has vast experience in face to face and blended or online education and has presented at a range of National and International conferences. She has also had involvement with a range of Universities as clinical facilitator, clinical tutor and lecturer.

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Educator Courses
Anaesthesia & PACU Nursing Clinical Updates - On-Demand

Clinical and professional updates to support working in the PACU and Anaesthetic environment

Critical Bytes - Ready to Resus: Current guidelines

This Critical Byte will focus on all things resuscitation giving you the resources to introduce updated 2021 ANZCOR & ILCOR protocols into your clinical practice.

Critical Bytes - Too hot to handle: Managing clinical emergencies in ICU vs ED vs OT

This Critical Byte will cover the latest on management of clinical emergencies in the different critical care environments of ICU, ED and Theatre.

Respiratory Toolbox: Assessment and Management in the COVID Era

A free clinical update webinar on the assessment and management of patients with respiratory complications including COVID-19.

Critical Bytes - Delirium, Agitation and Pain

Want to know more about managing and preventing delirium, agitation and pain? Join our panel of experts as we discuss the complexity of the critical care patient.

Critical Bytes - The Crashing Patient

How to manage the critically ill patient, from assessment of deterioration, interpreting ventilator waveforms and tweaking ventilator settings, and titrating inotropes.

Critical Care Review Webinars

This is an on demand series of webinars aimed at refreshing and updating clinicians on key critical care nursing content.

Critical Care Toolbox

A free clinical update on the elements essential to working in a Critical Care Environment including patient assessment, communication, documentation, escalation and resuscitation.

Rapid Introduction to High Acuity Nursing

Quickly improve your knowledge and skills with 4 hours of case based learning to help you prepare for deployment to high acuity nursing areas including critical care units.

Court’s in Session: A coronial investigation into Anaphylaxis

Stay ahead in anaphylaxis management with insights from a Coroner's case. Discover the latest recommendations on allergies, anaphylaxis & adrenaline in this up-to-date webinar

Resuscitation Toolbox: Optimising resuscitation and the role of high performance CPR

How well do you perform in a resus? Access this free toolbox webinar for strategies to high performance CPR and optimisation of resus teams.

Court's in Session: Track and Trigger - On Demand

How good are you at detecting & escalating deterioration? Join us as we follow a coroner’s case & investigate the role of track & trigger tools for managing deterioration

Anaphylaxis Clinical Update

A learning package on the recognition and management of Anaphylaxis, including clinical application through coronial inquest findings.

Atrial Fibrillation

Clinical update short course on Atrial fibrillation including skills video on synchronised cardioversion

Court’s in Session: Paediatric Sepsis

Despite best efforts, deaths related to paediatric sepsis remain a problem. This webinar explores the findings from coronial investigations to provide some valuable lessons.

Lunch and Learn: ABG Interpretation

This on demand Lunch and Learn session will provide top tips to help you easily understand ABG interpretation and apply the results to patient care.

Lunch and Learn: Wound Care

This on demand Lunch and Learn session will provide top tips to help you navigate wound care including staging, dressings & complex treatment options.

Critical Bytes - Malignant Hyperthermia

This Critical Byte explores the recognition and management of Malignant Hyperthermia.

Lunch and Learn: Post Operative Nausea & Vomiting

This on demand Lunch and Learn session provides top tips to help you prevent and manage PONV for surgical patients.

Post operative clinical deterioration

This short course prepares you to recognise and manage the clinically deteriorating patient in a post operative environment

Critical Bytes: Code Crimson - massive haemorrhage protocol

This Critical Byte uses trauma, surgical and obstetric case studies to discuss catastrophic blood loss requiring initiation of massive transfusion protocol.

Critical Bytes - Creating a culture of safety: the impact of human factors

Creating a culture of safety starts with speaking up and tapping in to the many human factors that help or hinder safe patient care.

Court’s in Session: The “Swiss Cheese” of Postoperative Deterioration

Have you experienced a deteriorating patient in the postoperative setting?

Critical Bytes - Triage

Effective patient triage helps those who need immediate attention to get appropriate care, and those with less urgent needs to wait for care without experiencing harm.

Lunch and Learn: CVADs Bonus Content

This on demand Lunch & Learn session provides top tips to help you care for patient with CVADs, including insertion, accessing & troubleshooting.

Lunch and Learn: Reversible causes of arrest - Bonus Content

This on demand lunch and learn session provides interactive cases on the assessment and management of causes of cardiac arrest including 4Hs &4Ts & special circumstances

Critical Bytes - Pain in the Critically Ill

This Critical Byte explores the many issues of pain management for patients experiencing acute, chronic or neuropathic pain.

Critical Care Nursing Course

This course is aimed at developing the knowledge and skills of nurses working or wanting to work in a critical care environment.

Responding to Anaphylaxis - Minutes Matter - On Demand

The incidence of anaphylaxis is increasing in Australia. Refresh your knowledge on how to recognise, manage and respond effectively to patients with anaphylactic reactions.

Lunch and Learn: HFNP

This lunch and learn focuses on high flow nasal cannula therapy for pre-oxygenation during intubation, hypoxaemic respiratory failure, and post operative use in patients with OSA.

Lunch and Learn: Surgical Safety

This Lunch and Learn session will give an overview of Surgical Safety including the significance of the WHO checklist in achieving optimal patient care outcomes.

Zero in on Sepsis - Promoting World Sepsis Day

Could it be sepsis? As a time critical medical emergency that arises from the dysregulated response to infection, you need to be able to recognise and stop sepsis in its tracks.

Managing respiratory disease in patients with Long COVID

This webinar focuses on evidence-based practices in the management of long-term respiratory conditions.

Lunch and Learn: Non-invasive ventilation (NIV)

NIV supports patients with respiratory failure or acute pulmonary oedema, but requires careful titration to balance improvements in oxygenation against reduced cardiac output.

Lunch and Learn: Capnography

This Lunch and Learn session will provide top tips to demystify capnography and help recognise the vital role it plays in providing effective treatment and enhancing patient safety

Undifferentiated Chest Pain: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Emergency Response

Update your skills on the management of undifferentiated chest pain in this webinar focused on a range of patient case studies and application of the latest clinical guidelines

Critical Bytes - Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate CICO

Navigating the difficult airway, advanced strategies for CICO situations in the ED, ICU or operating room.

Surviving Sepsis - Minutes Matter

Could it be sepsis? Learn the latest information on how to recognise and treat sepsis by attending the not to be missed Surviving Sepsis - Minutes Matter Program

Perioperative professional practice and the patient jouney: Perioperative Nursing Update Module 1

This is the first installment of the Perioperative nursing update course and provides an overview of the professional roles, and patient experience through the operating suite

Performing a physical assessment on a critically ill patient

This webinar focuses on the structured approach to physical assessment of the critically ill patient.

Lunch and Learn: Revolutionise accreditation & clinical education

Enhance patient outcomes, clinician engagement and be ready for short notice accreditation with a transformative learning experience platform designed by industry leaders.

Intubation & Tracheostomy Care - critical care update

This webinar supports the CCN course, and focuses on the emergency intubation of an acutely ill ICU patient and the role of tracheostomies for long term ventilation & weaning.

Critical Bytes - Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation

Discover the intricacies of ABG interpretation including cause, compensation, the meaning of other variables like Aa gradient and p50 and how to apply findings to patient care

Lunch and Learn: Special circumstances of cardiac arrest

Be challenged as we work through a range of case studies to demonstrate the management of cardiac arrest in special circumstances.

Perioperative patient monitoring: Perioperative Nursing Update Module 2

This is the second instalment of the Perioperative nursing update course and provides an overview of the professional roles, and patient experience through the operating suite

Mechanical Ventilation: Modes Settings & waveforms

This webinar focuses on ventilation modes & settings and interpretating ventilator waveforms to optimise mechanical ventilation in a range of patient conditions

Critical Bytes: Obstetric Emergencies

This critical bytes webinar will provide crucial insights for handling critical situations in maternal care including postpartum haemorrhage and HELLP Syndrome.

The ALERT™ Course On Demand

Learn to manage acute life threatening emergencies with the contemporary ALERT™ course

The vital role of haemodynamic monitoring in the critically ill patient

Hemodynamic monitoring plays a critical role in the management of critically ill patients including early detection of deterioration, and optimisation of treatment.

Critical Bytes - The role of crisis resource management

This session will develop your knowledge and skills in the application of CRM principles during a crisis to achieve the best possible outcomes.

ECG Interpretation Course

This course provides case based review of ECG interpretation for nurses, doctors & paramedics.

PREPARED - Preventing & Responding to Clinical Deterioration - On Demand

Optimise your skills with Medcast's comprehensive course: PREPARED - Preventing and Responding to Emergencies - Patient Assessment, Recognition & Escalation of Deterioration

Critical Bytes - Resuscitated, Now what?

After successful resuscitation, post-resuscitation care is crucial for optimising outcomes, stabilising vital functions, and preparing for potential transport.

Perioperative therapeutics, from anaesthesia to analgesia: Perioperative Nursing Update Module 3

This is the third instalment of the Perioperative Nursing Update course and provides an overview of therapeutic agents including anaesthetics, antiemetics & analgesics

Practical solutions to paediatric eczema care (on demand)

This webinar applies the Eczema Care Plan to a patient case study demonstrating the eczema management including the application of creams, wet dressings & bleach baths.

High Dependency Nursing

This course is designed to provide nurses, with essential skills relating to the assessment and management of high acuity patients.

Emergencies in General Practice 2024

Essential skills for GPs to help you prepare and manage emergency presentations in your GP practice, Urgent Care and Rural ED setting

Perioperative emergencies: Perioperative Nursing Update Course Module 4

This is the fourth instalment of the Perioperative Nursing Update course and provides an overview of intraoperative emergencies including CICO, anaphylaxis, MH, LAST, MTP

Critical Bytes - Modern Methods of Wound Care

Effective wound care and ANTT techniques are crucial for infection prevention. Learn best practices and protocols to ensure optimal patient outcomes and healthcare compliance.

Lunch and Learn Neutropenic Sepsis

Do you have the skills and knowledge to recognise neutropenic sepsis? This Lunch & Learn will discuss the early recognition and management of a patient with neutropenic sepsis

Critical Bytes - Paediatric Trauma

This critical bytes session will discuss common childhood injuries, preventive measures and strategies to reduce injury-related morbidity and mortality for paediatric trauma

Critical Bytes - Keeping Pace with Pacing

Stay current with advanced cardiac interventions for your critically ill patients requiring temporary pacing.

Maternal Sepsis - what you need to know | World Sepsis Day 2024

Maternal sepsis accounts for 11% of maternal deaths in Australia. This webinar provides an update into who is at risk, how to identify and how to treat this preventable disease.

Lunch and Learn: Ten Seconds to Triage

Patient triage isn’t just for the ED & mass casualty situation, learn how to apply the new standards in triage to any clinical setting where prioritising care has competing demands

Critical encounters: Demystifying Australia's venomous bites & stings

Learn to identify, treat, and manage Australian venomous bites and tropical stings with evidence-based protocols for health professionals

Rhythm Interpretation Course

Learn a methodical approach to rhythm interpretation with case based examples to practice your skills, understanding and management of patients experiencing arrhythmias

PACU protocols & Discharge Criteria: Perioperative Nursing Update Course - Module 5

Learn key post-op care protocols, recovery monitoring, pain management, and discharge criteria to ensure patient safety, promote healing, and enhance patient outcomes.

Medcast Resuscitation Instructor Course 2025

The Medcast resuscitation instructor program develops senior clinical educators with a background in resuscitation & education to deliver advanced life support training.

The essentials of ICU nursing

ICU Nursing 101: Gain essential skills for patient management, explore ICU equipment basics, & hear from our experts on how to thrive in a high-stakes environment & avoid burnout

The ALERT™ Course

Designed for clinicians in pre-hospital, urgent/emergency care and acute care environments, update your knowledge in the management of acute life-threatening emergencies.

12 lead ECG interpretation course

This course, suitable for GPs, nurses, and paramedics, provides a structured approach to ECG interpretation, including rhythm interpretation and analysis of abnormalities.

Rhythm refresh: case-based rhythm interpretation & management

Test your skills in rhythm interpretation reviewing a range of adult and paediatric cases experiencing rhythm disturbances.

Perioperative Nursing Update Course

Contemporary perioperative nursing course covering the essentials of all nursing roles from pre-admissions, anaesthetics, scrub scout and PACU

Critical Bytes - Advancements in heart failure and APO management

This Critical Bytes session reviews current therapies for optimising oxygenation and improving haemodynamic stability in the critically unstable patient with heart failure.

Lunch and Learn: MET call mayhem

This Lunch & Learn will be working through case studies to demonstrate the key components to escalation and management of clinical deterioration.

Critical Care Nursing: cardiovascular therapies for the critically ill patient

This webinar focuses on cardiovascular therapies for the critically ill patient, including the use of cardiac pacing, intra-aortic balloon pump, vasopressors, and inotropes.

Educator Posts
The first five minutes - prioritising care in the ICU

Susan Helmrich

Admission of an unstable patient into the ICU requires a smooth transition of care with all team members pitching together to balance critical assessments, with immediate interventions to stabilise the patient. Do you understand your role?

5 mins READ
James presents with acute shortness of breath and a wheeze during a summer soccer match - clinical opal

Susan Helmrich

James, a university student with a history of seasonal allergic rhinitis, presents with sudden respiratory distress following exposure to grass pollen during a soccer game shortly before a summer thunderstorm. Could this be thunderstorm asthma?

5 mins READ
The challenges of breastfeeding: supporting choices, and optimising success

Susan Helmrich

Breastfeeding can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences for new mothers. For many, it is an experience filled with both joy and immense challenges, which highlights the importance of support and understanding from healthcare professionals.

5 mins READ
Diabetic Emergencies - Hypoglycaemia

Susan Helmrich

Diabetic emergencies typically arise from extreme fluctuations in blood glucose levels. The two most common emergencies are hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia.

30 mins READ
The Importance of Being Earnest

Susan Helmrich

The complexity of clinical communication necessitates a shift in resuscitation training. We should challenge terms like "soft skills" and "non-technical skills," and instead refer to them as essential resuscitation skills. A holistic approach that highlights the interconnectedness of these skills is vital for achieving optimal patient outcomes.

5 mins READ
Optimising paediatric Eczema Care: A Nurses’ Guide

Susan Helmrich

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Explore essential strategies and insights for managing paediatric eczema effectively in this guide. From daily skincare routines to addressing common triggers and mental health considerations, empower families with the knowledge and tools to improve their child's quality of life.

5 mins READ
High Performance CPR

Susan Helmrich

Successful resuscitation attempts rely on the optimisation of cerebral and coronary perfusion. For this to occur it is important to work like a NASCAR pit crew and deliver high performance CPR.

5 mins READ
Is your CPD feeling a bit under the weather? Let us nurse you back to CPD health!

Susan Helmrich

Seeking guidance on which courses to prioritise before the CPD year concludes? You're not alone!

Training with cognitive aids - what have we learnt from the airline industry

Susan Helmrich

CRM principles grew from the airline industry's crew/cockpit resource management. A key aspect of these principles is using all available information and knowing your resources. Checklists have been a key feature for the airline industry and anaesthesia, but checklists are only as good as the training of the people using them.

5 mins READ
Unveiling Ovarian Cancer - It’s time to raise awareness

Susan Helmrich

Did you know that the mortality for Ovarian Cancer is the same that the mortality was for all cancers in 1975? Why is this the case?

5 mins READ
Physical Assessment Techniques for ICU Nurses: Identifying and managing patient deterioration - Clinical Opal

Susan Helmrich

Carl has been in ICU for 2 weeks, over the last 24 hours his condition has deteriorated. What priority assessment needs to be done to get to the bottom of Carl’s deterioration and optimise his plan of care?

5 mins READ
Short notice accreditation assessments - friend or foe?

Susan Helmrich

Is short notice hospital accreditation in Australia supporting the next era of commitment and care, or increasing the workload of a tired workforce? How can you stay ahead in the quest for excellence?

5 mins READ
Essential Guide to RACGP Doctor’s Bag Requirements for General Practices

Susan Helmrich

Understand the requirements of the updated RACGP recommendations for the Doctor’s Bag to stay compliant and prepared for your next clinical emergency

5 mins READ
Creating an effective cognitive aid for advanced life support training and maximising efficiency in resuscitation

Susan Helmrich

This blog explores the ALS Algorithm and looks at how Medcast are trialling an adaptation of the 2023 updated ANZCOR Adult Advanced Life Support flowchart. The aim is to test its useability as a cognitive aid in ALS training to reduce cognitive load, enhance team performance and improve emergency decision-making.

5 mins READ
Clinical Snapshot - Maxine presents in respiratory distress

Susan Helmrich

Explore a lifesaving treatment option for acute respiratory failure. Learn why this approach is highly effective and minimises invasive procedures, providing comfort and better outcomes for patients like Maxine.

5 mins READ
Analgesia Options in the Day Surgery Environment

Susan Helmrich

Selecting appropriate analgesia is an important aspect of patient centred care in the day surgery and recovery room environment.

3 mins READ
The Interplay of Long COVID with COPD and Asthma: Implications for Clinical Care

Susan Helmrich

Long COVID presents unique challenges for patients with chronic respiratory conditions like COPD and asthma. This article delves into the overlapping symptoms, inflammation, treatment implications, rehabilitation needs, and mental health considerations when managing these dual challenges.

5 mins READ
Massive Transfusion Protocol - Understanding the clotting cascade

Susan Helmrich

When faced with a bleeding patient, understanding the intricacies of the clotting cascade plays a pivotal role in the activation and management of a Code Crimson.

10 mins READ
Tip your HAT to Sepsis

Susan Helmrich

Sepsis is a life-threatening response to infection. Did you know that more than 18 000 Australians suffer from sepsis every year with more than 5000 deaths a year; this is twice the number of deaths due to traffic accidents.

5 mins READ
The protective role of pyrexia

Susan Helmrich

Are we doing the right thing when we reach for paracetomol or ibuprofen in response to a fever, or does that fever have benefits in helping our body to fight the infection?

4 mins READ
Clinical Opal #12 - Deterioration post abdominoplasty

Susan Helmrich

Gail is a 63 year old post abdominoplasty who is complaining of tingling lips, abdominal cramping and watery eyes...

10 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Unresponsive following MVA

Susan Helmrich

Sam was found unresponsive at a scene of a single motorcycle accident. No obvious signs of blood loss or fractures...

10 mins READ
Why you should use an ABCDE approach to patient assessment

Susan Helmrich

The ABCDE approach is the most recognised tool for rapid patient assessment, it allows us to recognise life-threatening conditions early and provides a systematic method that focuses on identifying problems and implementing critical interventions in a timely manner.

5 mins READ
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