What’s going wrong with eczema care and why? |
Clinical Update
Why eczema, why now? Burdens, barriers, myths and misconceptions about eczema |
Educational activity 15 mins |
Eczema Management |
Virtual educational visit
Challenges in eczema management Interactive and facilitated learning for general practices and Aboriginal health services providing the latest evidence delivered as a tailored to the needs of individual practices |
Reviewing performance 1 hour |
My patients are concerned about the safety of topical steroids - should they be? |
Educational activity 5 mins |
Management algorithm
Eczema Management Algorithm A clinical point-of-care resource for a consensus-based, stepped approach |
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Care/action plan
Eczema Care plan Shared decision-making tool to support patient understanding and planning their eczema management |
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Eczema diagnosis and management in primary care – a clinical discussion Dermatologist A/Prof Deshan Sebaratnam and GP Dr Anneliese Willems discuss challenging eczema presentations and treatment options. |
Educational activity 1 hour |
The eczema equation: Burden of disease and challenges in management Dr Caroline West and Dr Li Chuen-Wong lead an expert panel to discuss challenges in improving quality of life for patients living with eczema. |
Educational activity 1 hour |
Beyond Skin deep: Unravelling the challenges of managing eczema Dermatologist Artian Tatian and Melanie Funk founder of Eczema support Australia discuss the impact and burden of eczema and address management challenges |
Educational activity 30 mins |
Treating children and infants |
Case study: Baby Emily has a rash on her face Paediatric eczema management, includes eczema severity assessment, common triggers, treatment algorithms, and practical strategies for patient support and education. |
Educational activity 30 mins Reviewing performance 30 mins |
Mini Audit
Paediatric Eczema Management: Mini Audit |
Measuring outcomes 3.5 hours |
Practical solutions to paediatric eczema care Real-world case studies using the Eczema Care Plan and demonstrating management including the application of creams, wet dressings & bleach baths. |
Educational activity 1 hour |
Optimising paediatric eczema care : A nurses guide |
Educational activity 5 mins |
Clinical opal
Facial eczema in an infant |
5 mins |
Skin of colour |
Challenges of diagnosis and management of eczema in patients with skin of colour |
Educational activity 15 mins |
Patient experience |
Navigating the eczema journey Long term sufferer Jamie discusses his journey with eczema nurse Deryn Thompson. |
Educational activity 30 mins |
Commonly asked questions |
Evidence-based answers to commonly asked questions by health professionals |
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Clinical guidelines and resources |
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A curated page of eczema-related resources clinical guidelines, assessment tools, care plans and ‘how to’ videos for sharing with patients. |
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