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Some quick facts about 'myCompass'

16 March 2015 - Dr Jan Orman

Since 2012, 17,000 people have signed up to use Black Dog Institute’s web-based ‘myCompass’ program

What is it?

  • A fully-automated, clinically proven (evidence derives from a large community-based trial), self-guided program for people with depression, anxiety and stress. 
  • Based on cognitive behaviour therapy, problem solving therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy and positive psychology
  • In addition to therapeutic modules it provides the facility for real-time monitoring of problem thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

How does it work?

  • Register online (no referral required)
  • Complete an automated assessment tool which can then make recommendations about whether the program is suitable for the program and which parts of the program would be most beneficial.
  • Set up the mobile phone “tracking” option according to individual preferences and decide whether you want SMS  reminders and affirmations
  • Do the recommended skill building modules (there are 12 of these each broken into 3 10-15 minute segments ) including the
    associated homework tasks 
  • myCompass is accessible 24/7 via the Internet on  computers, tablets and/or mobile phones.  

Who is it for?

myCompass is not a substitute for face-to-face care for people who are seriously distressed.  The target audience is people in the mild-to-moderate symptom range who would like to try to manage their mental health problems on their own and/or who are unable or choose not to access face-to-face services.

Does is cost anything?

Registering for and using myCompass is free of charge

How is it accessed?

To register with myCompass just go to

Dr Jan Orman
Dr Jan Orman

Jan is Sydney GP, private psychological medicine practitioner in Sydney’s inner west and a GP educator for Black Dog Institute.

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If you need help, please call

  • Lifeline- 13 11 14
  • BeyondBlue - 1300 22 4636
  • Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
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