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Medcast news and blog

EVERYBODY can be happy

Have you ever spoken to someone and thought “OMG! I would be depressed too if I were in their shoes”? Of course you have! But have you ever met someone who despite all the bad luck and set backs has remained optimistic and been able to make the best out of what would be for others an impossible and unbearable situation?

Update on practical issues when prescribing PPIs
Update on practical issues when prescribing PPIs
Sue Brown

Two of the five available PPIs rank in the top five medicines by prescription volume in the latest statistics from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for prescriptions in 2016–17 and four of the five available PPIs are among the top 30 medicines.

KISS - Acute Rhinosinusitis
KISS - Acute Rhinosinusitis
Dr Chandelle Whitfield

This KISS covers the aetiology, diagnosis and symptomatic management of acute rhinosinusitis, including advice on antibiotic choices, when indicated.

What’s Your Superpower?
What’s Your Superpower?
Dr Jan Orman

So much medical focus is on the deficits in people that those of us who work within the medical model tend to forget to look for people’s strengths. We may eventually even fail to see and value our own strengths as they become, in our own minds, just things that everybody has.

TSH and Pregnancy: Treat the Test or the Patient?
TSH and Pregnancy: Treat the Test or the Patient?
Dr Simon Curtis

Susan is newly pregnant. She had some thyroid tests done earlier this year and was diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism. Her TSH was 6 mIU/ml with a normal thyroxine and negative anti thyroid antibodies. She has read in a forum online that she needs to be treated with thyroxine but she is worried about taking medication when pregnant. What do you advise her?

Top 5 Learning Points from 2018 European Hypertension Guidelines
Top 5 Learning Points from 2018 European Hypertension Guidelines
Dr Simon Curtis

This month has seen the publication of new European Hypertension Guidelines 2018 produced by the European Societies of Hypertension and Cardiology.

Gratitude is just the beginning – Bite Back’s Mental Fitness Challenge
Gratitude is just the beginning – Bite Back’s Mental Fitness Challenge
Dr Jan Orman

We could all do with a little improvement in our “mental fitness.” It would help us manage those moments of anxiety and low mood, but it would also help us manage the ordinary stresses in our daily lives.

Recognising paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea
Recognising paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea
A/Prof Stephen Barnett

This short video presentation looks at the latest evidence on the diagnosis and management of paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea.

Mayday! Mayday!  What to do after a disastrous OSCE station
Mayday! Mayday! What to do after a disastrous OSCE station
Dr Eleanor Carey

It may seem melodramatic to compare a tricky OSCE station to a plane crash, but stay with me for a moment.

Assessing and Recommending Mental Health Apps
Assessing and Recommending Mental Health Apps
Julia Reynolds

There are many thousands of mental health apps available – the question is where to start and how to select them?