Medcast news and blog
The truth about nicotine
The tobacco industry spends billions of dollars each year to market smoking as exciting, glamorous, and safe and it’s also shown in video games, online and in film. We have all heard the nicotine warnings over the last few decades and how it’s bad for our lungs, but should this message be updated? What do we now know about nicotine?
Tobacco and Harm Reduction
Dr Jan Orman
There’s no question about it -if you don’t feel so well, if you are feeling stressed and anxious, smoking a cigarette will make you feel better for a while. Many a soldier for whom cigarettes were supplied as part of their daily rations, will tell you so.

Smoking and Mental Health
Dr Jan Orman
Between 2007 and 2010 smoking rates in the general community dropped from 26% to 19%. For people with psychotic disorders the rate did not drop at all.