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Medcast news and blog

The CHIME GP study

Clinical and Healthcare Improvement through My Health Record Usage and Education in General Practice

Vaping - Friend or Foe?
Vaping - Friend or Foe?
Dr Robert Walker

Where are we with vaping? Are e-cigarettes the shining knight who will rid the world of cigarettes or dangerous products wrapped up in clever marketing with the 'unintended consequence' of luring young people into the world of smoking?

Can I have medical cannabis on PBS doctor?
Can I have medical cannabis on PBS doctor?
Dr Simon Curtis

I’ve been asked this question twice in the last month. Once by a 70 year old patient who has taken up smoking weed to control her neuropathic pain, let’s call her ‘Rachel’. And the other a young man aged 26 (Sean) who is smoking cannabis to help control his chronic anxiety.