It is easy to think that we know how to manage common conditions like eczema and gout. The evidence says otherwise, which is why we have pulled together this revision bundle. Turns out that there is a lot of confusion about topical corticosteroid (TCS) dose and potency in eczema, and that we remain reluctant to treat urate levels to target in gout.
This bundle includes access to:
Clinical essentials of Eczema and Gout webinar: a concise and informative webinar led by a panel of experts, highlighting the key points that health professionals need to know about the management of eczema and gout. This webinar will also be available on demand.
Gout mini audit: a practical tool to help you review your current management of adult patients with gout and identify areas for improvement.
Paediatric eczema mini audit: a similar tool to guide you through a review of your management of paediatric patients with eczema.
improve your understanding of eczema and gout
apply the latest evidence-based recommendations to your clinical practice
identify and address any gaps in your knowledge or skills
enhance the quality of care you provide to your patients
earn valuable CPD points across different categories
This QUM package offers a convenient and effective way to gain points across various CPD categories, helping you meet your annual professional development goals.This activity has been endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) for the following CPD points:
5 Measuring Outcomes (MO) points
0.5 Reviewing Performance (RP) points
2 Educational Activity (EA) points
This initiative, federally funded through the Quality Use of Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Pathology (QUDTP) Program, aims to improve QUM by providing health professionals with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about medicine use. By promoting QUM, we can improve patient safety, reduce medication errors, and enhance the overall quality of healthcare.
Online Learning Modules
Duration: 7.5 HRS EA+RP+MO
Areas Of Interest: Chronic diseases, Dermatology, General Practice, Medical Education, Paediatrics, Podiatry, Quality Use of Medicines
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Aboriginal Health Workers, Medical Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists
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