Dr Jonathan (Jon) Lane is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. He has a long history of Army service and has a keen interest in Military, Veteran and Emergency Services mental health.
Dr Lane enlisted as a soldier in the Australian Army in 1989 and has continued to serve in a range of full-time and Reserve roles since. He also deployed to Afghanistan as an embedded psychiatric provider with the US Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit in Kandahar for six months in 2013. He completed his medical degree in 2004 at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) and then spent five years in acute care and general practice medicine with the Army before returning to Hobart to commence his Psychiatry training.
He gained his Fellowship in 2014 and has been lecturing with UTAS since 2015. He currently does clinical and a range of other strategic, policy and consultancy work with organisations in the fields of military, veteran and emergency services work including the Department of Veteran Affairs, the Tasmanian Department of Police and Emergency Services, The Hobart Clinic.
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