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Working Towards Wellbeing – Mental Health Skills Videos for the Time Poor

08 June 2021 - Dr Jan Orman

With the support of the Federal Government’s e-Mental Health in Practice program (eMHPrac) we have put together some short colourful videos that might help you with some of that.

The Working Towards Wellbeing (WTW) video series is designed to help practitioners understand and explain simple mental health interventions. All the interventions that are showcased are cognitive behavioural therapy based techniques with a strong evidence base and practical support for their use. Thanks to the creative efforts of Sydney-based marketing agency Jack Nimble, the WTW videos are enjoyable and easy to watch and, because they are short and to the point, they can be watched repeatedly until the message is understood.

WTW Series 1 includes information about mood monitoring, mindfulness, increasing physical activity, gratitude journaling and structured problem solving. The videos can be used to introduce ideas to people within a consultation, or as reinforcement of the counselling message at home. 

WTW Series 2, due to be released in June 2021, includes seven brand new videos. They include information about controlled breathing, how to manage strong emotions, explanations of the way stress  affects the brain and ideas about self-care planning.

Anyone can access and use these videos but health practitioners are likely to find them especially valuable.

You can find the WTW videos via the Black Dog Institute website, YouTube or or just type “Working Towards Wellbeing black Dog” Institute into your browser.

Watch our video on Self Care Planning now:


Dr Jan Orman
Dr Jan Orman

Jan is Sydney GP, private psychological medicine practitioner in Sydney’s inner west and a GP educator for Black Dog Institute.

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